Fear is a Liar

There is a song out that I heard for the first time about a week ago.  Ever since I heard it I keep thinking just how true the words are to the song.  The song is titled “Fear is a Liar” and I have to agree.  Fear tries to come at us like a big bully, it tries to frighten us, it can immobilize you, make you inactive.  But the things that fear tells us are all lies.  Fear is really just a big smoke screen of deception.  That is right deception!

Fear can tell you that you are not good enough.  But God says that you are good enough, you have been chosen.  You have been made special and unique for you are Gods creation.  God has adopted you as his own children (Romans 8:15).  When you became a Christ follower God’s spirit joined with your spirit, and now you are children of God.  When you know that you are good enough, you walk with your head high and you have confidence.

But fear wants to beat you down into nothingness so that you want to just give up.  There are so many different lies that are driven by FEAR, and every one of them is not true.  Girls all the time think they are not pretty enough, because they are comparing themselves to others.  God made you beautiful, and special.  You were given those eyes, that nose, hair that is straight or super curly.  You get the idea each of us was created to be special.  But fear knows that if we walk in that confidence than God wins and fear is defeated.

I think that fear is always looking for a new way to try to immobilize us.  When we realize that what we have been hearing and agreeing with is a lie, then fear uses a new tactic.  Sometimes fear will even try to lure you back into submission by reminding you that, you are used to feeling defeated so why not just come back and partner with it.  Well God did give us a spirit of fear, NO!  God gave us his spirit when we became Christ followers.  Now you have authority over the spirit of fear.  Fear only has power in your life when you allow it.  Take back control over your life.

Fear wants you to be a slave that cowers under its rule.  Fear wants to make you think that it is mightier and stronger than God.  I say no for God is bigger and mightier than fear.  God is the creator of all things.  God knows you so well that he actually knows how many hairs are on your head.  God wants you to walk in the authority that you were given.  You were created to shine.  To walk in confidence that you were chosen.

God chose you, it is never you that chooses God.  “For this is how God loved the world:  He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”  (John 3:16-17)  Is fear trying to tell you that no ones loves you, or that you don’t belong?  Can’t you see, that is all just a lie.  For you are always loved by God, and you do belong to God.  Even the unbelievers and the broken are loved by God, for Jesus is always with you ready to meet you where ever you are.

For some fear takes control of their lives through anxiety, depression, shyness, or panic attacks.  All of these things can cause you to avoid people.  It causes you to isolate yourself from others.  Some people have such a tremendous fear that they will not even leave their homes.  My heart hurts for everyone that is struggling with fear in any of the many ways that it manifests itself.

But today I am partnering with God.  I want to help others to be empowered to overcome the lies that fear has placed in their lives.  For the majority of my life I was so shy that I would avoid people, I would avoid going to places that were crowded, and I really just isolated myself from having friends or much contact with others.  I did not have any friends for they could not be trusted, or they would judge you.  This affected me in relationships of all kinds.

But what I discovered a few years ago was completely different.  God empowered me to step through the fear and all of a sudden I found freedom.  You to can have that freedom.  It is time to stop allowing fear to be the Warden of your prison.  There is a new sheriff in town and his name is Jesus.  Jesus has the keys to your prison cell and he wants to bring you into freedom that only comes through him.

When you allow Jesus to release you from the strangle hold of fear, you find that you have more confidence in yourself.  You open up and discover that you have friends, that truly want to be around you and that love you.  That is when you realize the smoke screen that fear was using to keep you a prisoner.  Stand tall today and say no more.  Call fear out for what it really is.  Surrender your prison sentence to anxiety, depression, etc. to Jesus.  Then stand and walk in the boldness of Christ Jesus.  Allow Jesus to give you strength to overcome.



One Comment on “Fear is a Liar

  1. God knows how badly I needed to hear this. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.


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