God Can Move a Mountain

Are you facing struggles that seem overwhelming and your mind is twirling around in a million different directions trying to figure out what to do.  Today I was hit with some overwhelming news about my Mother, suddenly all the things I thought I had a year to take care of have been condensed into 2 months or 6 weeks.  My mind started to spin, thinking of all the things I would have to take care of.  It was like waves crashing in on me, or as I told God I felt like I was in quicksand and was sinking quickly wondering how I would get it all done in time.

But in the middle of this storm that was coming at me I took a moment to stop and call on God.  Our wonderful and powerful God that controls the wind and the waves.  Yes God even controls the quicksand and can pull us up out of it onto solid ground again.  I started asking God to pull me out of the quicksand, to take control of the situation, and speaking out the truth that God had told me a few months ago.

You see God has moved many mountains in my life and it has always happened and I have always given God praise.  But I have been facing some stumbling blocks of late until a powerful message at church today.  I was quickly reminded this morning that God has moved my mountains and that it was not a matter if he would move the mountain but when he would move the mountain.  I was reminded that no mountain is to great for my mighty and powerful God.  That my Heavenly Father wants good things for me and he does not throw the mountains in my path, but he does move the mountains in my path.

Our Heavenly Father is loving and after what Jesus suffered on the cross we don’t walk powerless, but rather we walk powerfully.  God does not test us and thrown obstacles in our paths, but when we trust God, and we walk with God, then we walk powerfully.  I am a daughter and this mountain does not have control over me and it certainly is not greater than the name of Jesus.

So, yes I may be struggling with some legal items such as guardianship of my mother and powers of attorney, I will walk strong and I will lean into God when the mountain seems to high.  I will not sink in the quicksand but stand on the solid rock of Jesus in the midst of my struggles.  I know that God is walking this path with me and is like a wrecking ball knocking things out of my way on this journey I am on.

Yes it really is a matter of when the mountain will move, but always trust that God will move the mountain.

2 Comments on “God Can Move a Mountain

    • Thank you. I am really struggling right now and trying to keep it all together. New developments with my mom and the enemy is being unrelentless. Thank you.


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